Exception in favour of the blind and visually impaired

Novelties for the blind, the visually impaired or otherwise print-disabled (beneficiary persons):

– An exception in favour of people with disabilities (Article 48.a ZASP) now explicitly mentions also beneficiary persons and broadens the scope of permitted actions that do not require the authorization of the author: reproduction, including necessary non-substantive adjustments, distribution and communication to the public (which is broader than the public recitation) of the published works. The right of transformation that would permit also substantial modifications is not envisaged as some stakeholders have proposed. Also the condition that “work used is not available in the desired form” has been deleted and this will facilitate the exception in favour of people with disabilities.
– The exchange and dissemination of works in accessible formats on the internal market will be taken care of by authorized entities which will have some obligations. Amongst others, those entities will have to prevent violations and in order to do that they will be to require that the persons with disabilities formally prove their disability. In line with the proposal, the exchange of works in accessible form is not permitted between beneficiary persons.
– The terms beneficiary persons, works for beneficiary persons, work in accessible format and authorized entity are defined similarly as in the Directive 2017/1564.

Also, there have been some minor changes in relation to offenses (the fines are now in euros, fixed in range, sole proprietors can also be fined, etc.).